Setting up a configuration file#

Create a YAML file for the HPC Rocket configuration, e.g. rocket.yaml and open it.

Connection data#

Enter the connection data as shown below into the configuration file. For use in CI pipelines it is recommended to use environment variables, however it is also possible to fill the information in directly in the configuration file. HPC Rocket allows the use of a private key file or a password for authentication. Private key files are recommended. It is also possible to specify proxyjumps if necessary.

# Use private_keyfile OR password
private_keyfile: $PRIVATE_KEY
password: $PASSWORD

# Skip this section if you don't need proxyjumps
  - host: $PROXY_HOST
    user: $PROXY_USER
    private_keyfile: $PROXY_KEY 

Copying files to the remote machine#

Add all file you want to copy to the remote machine to the copy section. from refers to the location of a file on the local machine, to specifies the location on the remote machine the file will be copied to. If a file is already present on the remote machine the application will abort unless overwrite: true is set for a file. This section must include the Slurm batch script to be run if it is not already present on the remote machine. HPC Rocket does support simple glob style notation (e.g. folder/*.txt).

  - from:
    overwrite: true

  - from: important_file.txt
    to: important_file_remote.txt
    overwrite: true

  - from: myexecutable
    to: myexecutable

# ...

Collecting files from the remote machine back to the local machine#

Add all files you want to copy from the remote machine back to the local machine to the collect section. The same rules as in the copy sections apply, only that from now refers to the remote location and to specifies the local location of files. The collect step will be executed after the Slurm job was completed. Files will only be collected if the slurm job succeeds, unless continue_if_job_fails is set to true (see Specifying the Slurm Batch script).

  - from: myresultfile.log
    to: result.log

    # ...

Cleaning up the remote machine#

Add all files you want to delete from the remote machine to the clean section. The clean step will be executed after the collect step. Files will only be cleaned if the slurm job succeeds, unless continue_if_job_fails is set to true (see Specifying the Slurm Batch script).

  - important_file_remote.txt
  - myexecutable
  - myresultfile.log
    # ...

Specifying the Slurm Batch script#

Specify the name of the Slurm batch script with the sbatch entry. Optionally continue_if_job_fails can be set to true to enable collecting and cleaning even if the Slurm job does not complete successfully.

continue_if_job_fails: true

Example configuration file#

private_keyfile: $PRIVATE_KEY

  - host: $PROXY_HOST
    user: $PROXY_USER
    private_keyfile: $PROXY_KEY

  - from: jobs/slurm.job
    to: slurm.job
    overwrite: true

  - from: bin/myexecutable
    to: myexecutable

  - from: myresultfile.log
    to: mylocalresult.log
    overwrite: true

  - slurm.job
  - myexecutable
  - myresultfile.log

sbatch: slurm.job